Sunday, April 10, 2011

Heflin "grills" Thomas:

Simpson on Hill:

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Frist on Schiavo

The Senate majority leader on Terri Schiavo:

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Impeachment Items

Rep. Pappas' ode to Kenneth Starr:

Rep. Frank & Kenneth Starr:

Rep. Livingston resigns:

Lewinsky & Congressman Bryant:

Friday, July 11, 2008

Sunday, June 22, 2008


The Emergence of Reagan

June 23, 2008

I. The Rise and Fall of Rights-Related Liberalism

1. Preventing Another Watergate (goal: check political corruption, limit executive authority, and create a more open Congress; Watergate elections key—75 Democratic freshmen—VanderVeen, Downey, Edgar; lasting initiatives: FOIA, Budget and Impoundment Act, election of committee chairs; open meeting rules; ethics ineffectiveness: Federal Campaign Act Amendments—weakness of FEC, significance of Buckley v. Valeo; independent counsel; a pre-9/11 world: FBI Domestic Security Investigation Guidelines, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act)

2. Feminism and the Constitution (constitutional front—abortion rights and building off earlier movements; run-up to Roe; Blackmun decision, Rehnquist dissent; rise of ERA—Paul and National Woman’s Party; opposition from women labor activists—Perkins, Peterson; importance of EEOC; broad initial base, then cultural reaction; Schlafly and public response—military, protection of women in labor, class divisions; same with abortion—Catholics, traditionalists, cracks in Democratic coalition and Carter election)

II. The Travails of Jimmy Carter

1. Deindustrialization and Decline (policy effects: LBJ and Vietnam War, growth of deficit and abuse of fiscal policy, RN and wage/price controls; broad patterns: globalization and international competition, emergence of West Germany and Japan, effects of unions and competitiveness; international threats: Iranian revolution and quadrupling oil prices, other foreign policy setbacks, Richard Viguerie and 1978 elections—defeats of McIntyre and Clark; “stagflation”; shattering of Democratic coalition—Watergate Democrats, Carter as technocrat, role of Volcker)

2. Deregulation (regulation and the progressive ethos—unifying progressive era-reformers; regulation develops—institutionalizing monopolies, AT&T as example?; emergence of libertarian critique—Kahn; air travel: Airline Deregulation Act, growth of cut-fare airlines, expansions and consolidation; energy: failure of price controls strategy, move to conservation; telecommunications: MCI lawsuit, Wirth and breakup of AT&T, public backlash; long-term effects—competition, cell phones, etc., cable television; high-tech: Apple/IBM battle)

3. 1980 (Iranian hostage crisis and American politics; Kennedy challenge, Carter rebound, and path to convention; GOP: Reagan, potential challengers—Bush, Baker, Connally, nomination; Anderson ticket; role of debate; down-ticket victories)

House margin

House org.

Senate margin

Senate org.





















Monday, June 16, 2008

June 16 Notes

20th Century U.S. Politics


June 16, 2008

I. Johnson’s Decline

1. Rights-Related Liberalism and Its Political Effects (right: challenging peripheral issues: apportionment—the road to Wesberry—and Tuck bill; crime—issue in Goldwater campaign, significance of Miranda and White dissent; left: collapse of biracial civil rights coalition—MLK, poverty and open housing; SNCC, CORE, and black nationalism; campaigns and government actions: 1966 elections; increasing polarization of confirmation battles—Fortas)

2. The Democratic Race (importance of RFK; popular protests and effect on Democratic Party; nature of presidential selection; Allard Lowenstein and search for challenger to LBJ; RFK indecision; settling on McCarthy; New Hampshire primary and campaign fallout—RFK entry, LBJ withdrawal)

II. The Campaign

1. To Chicago (RFK/McCarthy battle—role of class and image; MLK assassination, urban riots, and politics of violence; Oregon, California, and RFK assassination; Chicago disaster)

2. Fall Campaign (collapse of Romney campaign; “New Nixon” and safe GOP choice; Wallace wildcard; Buchanan, Phillips, and “Southern Strategy”; rose-garden tactics; Agnew vs. Muskie; HHH Salt Lake City address; Democratic surge?; congressional races; outcome)

Pat Buchanan and Kevin Phillips, The Emerging Republican Majority

Jeffrey Frederick, Stand Up for Alabama

Jules Witcover, 85 Days

Thurston Clarke, The Last Campaign

Ray Boomhower, Robert F. Kennedy and the 1968 Indiana Primary

Theodore White, Making of the President 1968

Joe McGinnis, Selling of the President

Joseph Palermo, Robert Kennedy and the Death of American Idealism

Rick Perlstein, Nixonland

Dan Carter, The Politics of Rage

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

1964 Campaign Notes

I. The Foundations

1. Establishing an Image (LBJ as political tactician; healer after tragedy; “let us continue”—passing the Kennedy legacy, with political benefits: tax bill, farm bill, civil rights bill; provisions: outlaw racial discrimination in public accommodations, give Justice Dept. authority to file suits for school desegregation in federal court, create EEOC)

2. The Republican Race (Goldwater and Rockefeller weaknesses; Nixon, Scranton bids; the emergence of Lodge; the threat of Lodge; Oregon and Lodge collapse; Goldwater nomination and 1964 convention)

3. Potential Pitfalls (potential pitfalls: ethics—“Landslide Lyndon,” personal wealth, Bobby Baker scandal, John Williams; Kennedy and vice presidency: background relationship, RFK and Justice Department; open pressure and LBJ response; decision to exclude)

III. The Outcome

1. The Frontlash Agenda (LBJ hopes and targeted constituencies; liberals and the 1964 convention—controversy over the Tuck bill; consolidating the civil rights base—MFDP controversy and the convention; neutralizing Goldwater— Tonkin Gulf Resolution, nuclear weapons; economics and how to tailor a Democratic agenda?; limitations of the frontlash approach)

2. The Jenkins Scandal (polls and LBJ vulnerabilities; Baker/McCloskey affair; arrest and reaction—role of Fortas; Lady Bird response; Hoover and continuing fears; election outcome—coattails and transformation of House; ideology and a hollow victory?)

Blue—Goldwater; Red: LBJ

Totals: LBJ: 61% popular vote 486 electoral votes

Goldwater: 38.5% popular vote 52 electoral votes